
The Governing Board (GB) together with the Headteacher and senior staff, forms the school Leadership and Management team and shares responsibility for the school.  The GB must hold the school to account for the standards it achieves.  It must ensure that all resources (including the school budget and staff) are properly used to meet the needs of all children and provide value for money.  Governors help to form the School Improvement Plan and are responsible for monitoring all aspects of its effectiveness in terms of outcomes for pupils.   

The GB appoints the Headteacher, and delegates to them the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school.

Who are the Governors?

Governors are the key strategic decision makers and vision setters in the school. They are also a key part of the overall system for school accountability. They are people from various aspects of the school and its wider community and they have a vital role to play in driving school and pupil performance and ensuring that resources are used well to give every child the best possible education.
Decisions are made by the Board as a whole.  Individual governors have no ‘power’ as such and cannot act or speak on behalf of the Governing Board.  The term of office for a governor is 4 years.  At Cornholme School have the following numbers and categories of governors:

  • Staff: There is one staff governor position on the board.  This person is elected by the members of staff in the school.  The headteacher automatically becomes a governor by virtue of their appointment as Headteacher.  They can decide not to be a governor if they prefer but their place on the board cannot be taken by anyone else.
  • Parents: There are two parent governors on the board.  The parent governors are elected by the parents of registered pupils in the school.
  • Co-opted: There are six co-opted governors on the board. These governors are appointed by the Governing Board as people who have the necessary skills and expertise to ensure that the Governing Board is effective. 
  • Local Authority: There is one Local Authority governor on the board.  This governor is nominated by the Local Authority and is appointed by the Governing Board. 


Governors take individual responsibility for key areas of school and work with staff to drive improvement. Governors also come into school on a more official basis to formally monitor aspects of the School Improvement Plan.




The Governing Board (GB) together with the Headteacher and senior staff, forms the school Leadership and Management team and shares responsibility for the school.  The GB must hold the school to account for the standards it achieves.  It must ensure that all resources (including the school budget and staff) are properly used to meet the needs of all children and provide value for money.  Governors help to form the School Improvement Plan and are responsible for monitoring all aspects of its effectiveness in terms of outcomes for pupils.   

The GB appoints the Headteacher, and delegates to them the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school.

Who are the Governors?

Governors are the key strategic decision makers and vision setters in the school. They are also a key part of the overall system for school accountability. They are people from various aspects of the school and its wider community and they have a vital role to play in driving school and pupil performance and ensuring that resources are used well to give every child the best possible education.
Decisions are made by the Board as a whole.  Individual governors have no ‘power’ as such and cannot act or speak on behalf of the Governing Board.  The term of office for a governor is 4 years.  At Cornholme School have the following numbers and categories of governors:

  • Staff: There is one staff governor position on the board.  This person is elected by the members of staff in the school.  The headteacher automatically becomes a governor by virtue of their appointment as Headteacher.  They can decide not to be a governor if they prefer but their place on the board cannot be taken by anyone else.
  • Parents: There are two parent governors on the board.  The parent governors are elected by the parents of registered pupils in the school.
  • Co-opted: There are six co-opted governors on the board. These governors are appointed by the Governing Board as people who have the necessary skills and expertise to ensure that the Governing Board is effective. 
  • Local Authority: There is one Local Authority governor on the board.  This governor is nominated by the Local Authority and is appointed by the Governing Board. 


Governors take individual responsibility for key areas of school and work with staff to drive improvement. Governors also come into school on a more official basis to formally monitor aspects of the School Improvement Plan.




The Governing Board (GB) together with the Headteacher and senior staff, forms the school Leadership and Management team and shares responsibility for the school.  The GB must hold the school to account for the standards it achieves.  It must ensure that all resources (including the school budget and staff) are properly used to meet the needs of all children and provide value for money.  Governors help to form the School Improvement Plan and are responsible for monitoring all aspects of its effectiveness in terms of outcomes for pupils.   

The GB appoints the Headteacher, and delegates to them the responsibility for the day-to-day running of the school.

Who are the Governors?

Governors are the key strategic decision makers and vision setters in the school. They are also a key part of the overall system for school accountability. They are people from various aspects of the school and its wider community and they have a vital role to play in driving school and pupil performance and ensuring that resources are used well to give every child the best possible education.
Decisions are made by the Board as a whole.  Individual governors have no ‘power’ as such and cannot act or speak on behalf of the Governing Board.  The term of office for a governor is 4 years.  At Cornholme School have the following numbers and categories of governors:

  • Staff: There is one staff governor position on the board.  This person is elected by the members of staff in the school.  The headteacher automatically becomes a governor by virtue of their appointment as Headteacher.  They can decide not to be a governor if they prefer but their place on the board cannot be taken by anyone else.
  • Parents: There are two parent governors on the board.  The parent governors are elected by the parents of registered pupils in the school.
  • Co-opted: There are six co-opted governors on the board. These governors are appointed by the Governing Board as people who have the necessary skills and expertise to ensure that the Governing Board is effective. 
  • Local Authority: There is one Local Authority governor on the board.  This governor is nominated by the Local Authority and is appointed by the Governing Board. 


Governors take individual responsibility for key areas of school and work with staff to drive improvement. Governors also come into school on a more official basis to formally monitor aspects of the School Improvement Plan.